Ability: 20KG/Hr, Temp Variety: 600 Deg. C– – 1100 Deg. C
Gas Supply: Natural Gas/Diesel
Dual Burning Chamber Complete Scrubbing System (Dual
Resulting Gas Washer), Double Blower, Chimney Elevation: 8m
Electric Supply: 220/240Volt, Single Phase
4. Duration– – heater will certainly be made use of every day: (Minimum 12 hrs) SOW
8. Fuel proposed to be utilized: Deiseal Oil
10. Information of space readily available: Plenty of room
14. Any sort of sort of additional particular demands:.
9. Access of power and also kind: 220 or 110
11. Do you request a computerized loading system: [**] Yes [**] No.
2. Any type of sort of additional type: