All particles of this waste should achieve a high degree of sterilization instead of just “disinfection” because of the
continuous agitations
Description of the Treatment Cycle of the chip
- i) Loading
* The waste has to be loaded by falling bagged and or boxed waste into the open loading door on the vessel.
* The loading door ought to be mounted at an angle on time top side, of this vessel with appropriately sized to accommodate the
infectious wastes for which it is intended
* Over-loading or loading too closely should not be a problem with this process, and thus no need of the special
operator skill.
- ii) Heat-up and fragmentation
* After loading, the vessel door is to be closed, and the outer jacket of the vessel is to be automatically full of
high temperature steam, which should act as the main heating medium for heating the waste.
* During this heating cycle, the shall and mixing arms should rotate constantly, causing the waste to be fragmented
and always tumbled against the hot vessel walls.
* At this point, the waste is broken up into small fragments, and all material heats up quickly, being equally and
thoroughly subjected to the hot inner surfaces. The moisture content of the Waste will turn in to steam, and the vessel
will begin to pressurize.
* Originally, no steam will be injected into the waste. When there is insufficient moisture in the waste to pressurize
the vessel, a small amount of steam is to be automatically added until the desired pressure is reached.
* At the conclusion of the period, the correct sterilization temperature and pressure ought to be reached, and the
sterilization period should begin.
iii) Sterilization interval
* The amount of steam fed into the outer jacket is to be controlled to keep the desired temperature & pressure of this
inner vessel,
* The mixing arms (grinder) MUST continue to rotate throughout this cycle to make sure even sterilization pressure and
temperature for all wastes.
* The treatment time ought to be either15 minutes at 132° C OR 30 minutes at 121° C to achieve level 6log10
* The extreme subjugation of the waste to high temperature and pressure moisture in a dynamic environment also needs to
cause the waste to hydrolyze that’s a quick decomposition of organic material.
- iv) De-pressurization:
* Following the treatment time, the steam into the jacket should remain on, and the internal vessel is to be vented through a
condenser, and de-pressurized. Therefore, the waste loses its water content through a combination of heat input in the
jacket and flashing of water due to depressurization.
- v) Dc-hydration
* Further dehydration is to be achieved by keeping heat input and mixing – almost total dryness ought to be achieved.
- vi) Unloading
* Ultimately, steam to the jacket should shut off, the unloading door is to be opened
* Then the shaft and mixing arms are reversed to behave as unloading mechanism and should scoop the waste fragments out of
the unloading door, onto a conveyor belt or directly into a waste container.
* The vessel should now be ready for another treatment cycle, having retained most of its heat for the treatment of the
next batch.