Clinical Waste Incinerators

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A; Establish Ability for each design, just how much bunches can we place in one-time. I require tio under stand in duration of set load single I can ut in Kgs.
Dthe majority of systems will certainly be worked with Gas, so I require to understand the needed stress of gas in psi to operate the machine without any issue.
C: The quantity of collection can we place in each day basis per 1 day.
4. We require just double room twin heating unit incinerator.

Incinerator yet the measurement of room > > 2000 x >> 1200 mm. Prepare for burn FLUID Waste +/- 20 liter/hr.
The room of the burner ought to have the ability to hold about 200 – – – – 250 kg of waste in an offered time.
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Continual by Heavy OIL Burner.waste disposal incinerator, with the capability of taking care of both completely dry in addition to damp rubbish. That consist of house hold wastes together with dry fallen leaves.

E; I really do prefer to recognize a frequent life of system and after the amount of years we want the fixing solution of linning and so on. What’s your minimum ability and also optimal capability burner.

3. You do provide secodn hand burner in excellent working condition.
B: Burning capability per hr, to recognize only just how long it will definitely take to melt 1 collection and what is cooling timem each.|E; I really do prefer to recognize a frequent life of system and after the amount of years we want the fixing solution of linning and so on. What’s your minimum ability and also optimal capability burner.