a DUCK farm incinerator

a DUCK farm incinerator, We Have to buy a medium size incinerator for biological waste, more Particular DUCKS.a pet crematorium in ireland.Equipment Double chamber medical infectious waste incinerator Ability 10-30 Mph Characteristics of waste

heating value over 2000 kcal/kg (8370 kJ/kg); articles of combustible matter over 60%; articles of non combustible solids below 5 percent; articles of non-combustible fines below 20%; moisture content below 30% by weight

Combustion functionality: The medica waste incinerator shall be effective at reducing waste to ash not exceeding 10% of the entire combustible charges.

Outdoor installation. The medical waste incinerator will be installed outdoors.     All incinerator components shall be suitable for but not limited to outside shaded setup, including electric motors, be resistent to rust, moisture and related weather elements.